ABC’s Drama Department found an infallible idea for contemporary children’s entertainment in Target Luna, whose intrepid young explorer circled the moon in a rocket, and its successor Pathfinders in Space, whose Moon explorers are all set to investigate other planets.
Written by Malcolm Hulke and Eric Paice with the guidance of Mary Field, OBE, international expert in children’s programmes, with Guy Verney as director, this science fiction series is the subject of much careful research to combine information with the thrills of space exploration
Filmed entirely in the East African hinterland, Jungle Boy presents young viewers with a modern Mowgli, whose adventures are told against an authentic background of wild life.
Michael Carr Hartley, a local boy who grew up in this environment, plays the title role and is seen here very much at home with three ‘friends’
Torchy the Battery Boy has opened up for small children a whole new world of delightful characters created by the sympathetic imagination of Roberta Leigh.
Made specially for ABC Television by Associated-British Pathé, Torchy has become a friend as real as Peter Pan to millions of British children
John Halas makes a drawing for Foo Foo, the original and entertaining new cartoon character introduced by ABC this season.
These children’s films were specially commissioned from the brilliant cartoon team of Halas and Batchelor, who are also working on further series for ABC Television